When it comes to analyse quantities and reading curves , graphs play an essential role. So this series named "GRAPHS ON THE GO" is designed for those who struggle to read, draw and understand graphs. This series will start from basic and will boost you upto the maximum you need. Graphs are drawn in a plane called cartisian plane which consists of Horizontal axis X and vertical axis Y extending infinitely both sides. The cartisian plane looks like this- All the points which exists in this plane are represented by (x,y) in general where x represents the distance moved along x axis and y represents the distance moved along y axis also the intersection of these axis is called origin(0,0). If they have a sign along with them this implies that the sign signifies which direction on axis the point moved - represents along negative side and + represents the positive side. Also it is right time to know the basic definition of a FUNCTION. So we can consider function a...