
Showing posts from May, 2020


When it comes to analyse quantities and reading curves , graphs play an essential role. So this series named "GRAPHS ON THE GO" is designed for those who struggle to read, draw and understand graphs. This series will start from basic and will boost you upto the maximum you need. Graphs are drawn in a plane called cartisian plane which consists of Horizontal axis X and vertical axis Y extending infinitely both sides. The cartisian plane looks like this- All the points which exists in this plane are represented by (x,y) in general where x represents the distance moved along x axis and y represents the distance moved along y axis also the intersection of these axis is called origin(0,0). If they have a sign along with them this implies that the sign signifies which direction on axis the point moved - represents along negative side and + represents the positive side. Also it is right time to know the basic definition of a FUNCTION. So we can consider function a...


What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you listen or read the word MATHEMATICS , it can be different for everyone: it can be numbers, mathematical symbols, polygons, that scary calculus homework questions or may be a feeling of hatred. In most cases it would have been number, i guess. But now take a minute and open new tab and search "What is Mathematics?" on your browser. What you found out is that Mathematics deals with logic of numbers, shapes and arrangements. The motive of this post is to give you the essence of  Mathematics of what it actually is and how should we see it. For most it would be just a subject that only emphasizes on learning formulas and putting them into some equations or just finding out some results. Let me clear this out Mathematics is not only about this. Mathematics is much more than this. It is in my view an art of understanding and analyzing patterns or creating new patterns which are based on a logic. I get excited to kn...